Monica Pustilnik

Coffee Concert
Sep 2025
Monday, September 8, 2025

Monica Pustilnik

Coffee Concert

Schloss Birken

The royals of the Baroque era were supreme adepts at holding court in the most resplendent fashion. This required not only flamboyantly accoutred palaces and gorgeous attire and wigs, but also and above all richly decked tables and uplifting music. We invite you at Schloss Birkin in the Baroque tradition to an exquisite gourmet experience in combination with an equally fulfilling concert in the Blue Hall.

The Argentinian lutenist Monica Pustilnik is one of the foremost and most innovative artists and personalities of the international Early Music scene and has made a name for herself especially in music for the lute – although she is master of all historical instruments – from the Baroque guitar and the arciliuto (archlute) to the viola da mano. In the course of a coffee concert, she presents some of her favourite works to us in an intimate setting.

With works by Niccolò Piccinni, Johann Sebastian Bach et al.

The finest patisserie, tea and coffee await you. Our Mallorcan pâtissier will spoil you with his creations.

Monica Pustilnik Lute

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