Marco Bellussi

Baroque specialist Marco Bellussi has been working as a director in Italy and abroad since 1995. He has collaborated with renowned conductors including Renè Clemencic, Sergio Balestracci, Federico Maria Sardelli, Gianluca Capuano, and Alessandro Quarta. He has directed works by composers such as Monteverdi, Purcell, Handel, Vivaldi, Gluck, Mozart, Rossini, Strauss, Rimsky-Korsakov, Puccini, Wolf-Ferrari, and Hans Krása. Additionally, he has directed premieres of modern adaptations of Baroque operas such as Michael Maier’s Atalanta fugiens Scarlatti’s Palandrana e Zamberlucco and Hasse’s Antonio e Cleopatra.

Moreover, he has created a variety of his own pieces and adaptations, including Le Vol du cygne at the Palais des Beaux Arts in Brussels, Le donne di Mozart at the Teatro Stabile dell’Umbria, and Nelle plaghe d’oriente featuring Ottavia Piccolo on the occasion of the 100th memorial year of the Armenian Genocide.

He has worked at venues such as Teatro La Fenice, Teatro Goldoni, and the Biennale Musica in Venice, Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza, Teatro Comunale in Treviso, Teatro Comunale in Ferrara, Teatro Municipale in Piacenza, Teatro Gentile in Fabriano, Teatro Rendano in Cosenza, as well as Teatro Principal in Vitoria, Teatro Principal in Zaragoza, Teatro Isabel la Catolica in Granada, Teatro Palacio Valdés in Avilés, Riga Early Music Festival, and Jefferson Performing Arts Society in New Orleans.

He has taught at the conservatories of Bolzano and Vicenza, and currently teaches in Castelfranco Veneto. His production Marc’Antonio e Cleopatra was broadcasted on Italian television. Additionally, he regularly appears on radio broadcasts in Italy and Switzerland.

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